Sunday, August 26, 2007

Eight Blessing

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu

Show us Your kingdom, O God;
guide our poor spirits to home.
Comfort us with Your strength, O God;
turn our mourning into joy.
Teach us to be kind and thrifty, O God;
so we may love and adore Your earth.
Fill us with Your righteousness, O God;
so we are never in hunger and thirst.
Grant Your mercy upon all, O God;
so we may share Your blessing to all.
Purify our heart and mind, O God;
so we would see Your blossomy glow.
Let us make peace among all, O God;
so we may not disgrace Your name.
Bring us to Your kingdom, O God;
we are persecuted for righteousness' sake.
Bless us , bless us, and bless us, O God;
Through our savior Christ Jesus
that You turn all our troubles into joy!

Mat 5:3-12

We Ask For

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
Edited by
Bibi Baxter

Our loving Father, in Jesus' name we ask.

We are Your beloved and You always answer;

Bring us into Your kingdom, so we may live in peace forever;

Bless us with Your Power,

With Your Love we can conquer all;

Crown us with Your glory,

It's our birthright to be Your children.

Worship to Your Word

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
Edited by
Bibi Baxter

Light comes in Your Word,

Day begins in Your Word,

Night falls in Your Word,

Heaven shines in Your Word,

Land left ocean in Your Word,

Earth fruits in Your Word,

My sun, my moon and my stars,

Stand for Your word.

My fish, my birds and my pets,

Play in Your Word.


We were born in Your Word.

And we rest in Your Word.

My dear Eve (Adam), My dear Bone (Flesh);

We fall in love in Your Word.


Your Word created the world,

Your Word created life,

Your Word created me,

Your Word created us,

Your Word is love and beloved.


In the beginning was Your Word,

And Your Word was with You,

And Your Word was You,

All things made in Your Word,

In Your Word, there is life;

The light of us,

In the life of Your Word,

Your Word came for us,

Your Word became ours,

Our Love, our Life, our World,

Our Lord and our God,

Amen in Your Word.

THE LORD is my Lover

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
Edited by
Bibi Baxter

LORD, You are my Lover; in You I build my dreams.

Let Your Heaven rain down Your love on me.
Let Your Blessings kiss my soul with Your Sweetest Mouth.
Let Your Earth produce fruits through the root of Your Love.

I shall be an evergreen, fruiting in all seasons.
I will be a blossom which basks in Your light and shines in all colors.
I am a fish and You are my ocean; in You I swim free and in you I live and play.

You are the blood in my vein, running through every part of my body.
You are the heart of my being, pumping every beat of my life.
You are the spirit of my soul, from the beginning and never ending.

Word of God

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
Edited by
Bibi Baxter

The Word of God

I feed;

The Word of God,
I trust;

The Word of God,
I serve.


How Does He Love Me?

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
(Inspired by Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 43 - How do I love thee?)

How does He love me? Let me count His ways.
He loves me to the depth and breadth and height
His soul's almighty reach, when His figure out of sight.
For the end of my ways, and my new being.
He loves me to the level of everyday's
Most unknown need, by salt and light.
He loves me freely, over men's rules and curse.
He loves me purely, as they preach and praise.
He loves me with His passion for world to abuse.
His comfort for my griefs, and strength for my unseen faith.
He loves me with a love I dare not to lose.
On His lonely journey, - He loves me with His breath,
Smiles, tears, and His painful agony! - For God already chose
that He shall love me beyond death.

Son of Nun

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
(Reversa to Emily Dickinson's Son of None)

Lord divided sea - Moses behind-I AM,
Lord invited us - A Land before-I AM,
I AM - Who - I AM
Life is the bread of heaven,
doeth come down, and feedeth;
His Will - be done - as we pray
is a complete - gracious Gift.
Who Is He - Son of Nun,
the Promise - 14th of Hebrew's Abraham,
the King - 14th of Isreal's David,
the Messiah - 14th after Judah's Rebuild;
Himself - the One - waited and rejected;
Himself - the One - eternal and unchangeable.
In One - and only thru Him-
Son of Nun obtained his name - by His glorious Name.
'Tis Sign before us - His Son-
'Tis His Son in us and with us-
A Light shines in the darkness-
And Mary wept and rejoiced-
Her Son visited us-
the slaves of the world - found rest!

Prayer of the Passion of the Christ

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
Edited by
Bibi Baxter

O my loving Lord, Christ Yeshua;
My suffering is thy crown,
that deeply hurt thy forehead;
May thy wounded arms,
embrace me;
May thy wounded feet,
accompany my every step;
May thy injured heart,
always concerns me;
On my sinful cross,
shed thy Holy Blood;
and Thy loving Passion,
is my Redeeming Sacrifice.
Let my sins die with thee,
and my soul be restored in thee.

Like Father like Son

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
Edited by
Bibi Baxter

Take me, O Lord,
Take my pride away,
Let it not blind my eyes,
So I can see you
Through a leaf or a stone.

Shield me, O Lord,
Shield me with your word,
So you would protect my soul,
Let my mouth be closed,
And my mind open.

Save me, O Lord,
Save me from the judging one,
Not you, Not them, But me,
So I would never criticize
All that belongs to you.

Love me, O Lord,
Love me as your child,
So everywhere I go,
The world will say:
Like Father like child.

Mission Prayer

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu

O Sweet Christ Jesus,
Lead us into Your death,
and baptize us;

O Sweet Christ Jesus,
Guide us to Your resurrect,
and teach us;

O Sweet Christ Jesus,
Prepare us for Your coming,
and send us.

God of heaven and earth,
Lead us into Messiah's death,
and baptize us;

God of heaven and earth,
Guide us to Messiah's resurrect,
and teach us;

God of heaven and earth,
Prepare us for Messiah's coming,
and send us.

Holy Spirit of God,
Lead us and baptize us
thru Christ's death.

Holy Spirit of God,
Guide us and teach us
thru Christ's resurrect.

Holy Spirit of God,
Prepare us and send us
for the next coming of Christ.

Christ has died;
Christ is risen;
Christ will come again.

Prayer of Children

Poemprayer by Laijon Liu
Edited by
Bibi Baxter

Our Father in heaven,
Who created heaven and earth;
You are our only Father
And we are your dear children;
Change us the way you want us to be,
Alter our life you would like us to live;
Forgive our wrongs and
Forgive others wronged to us
Let your love peace mercy,
Shine upon our image and soul;
Soak our life in your grace,
So we may live in your justice;
Thru the fire and love of our Lord,
We may light up the world;
Let our spirits be true,
With help of the Holy Spirit;
In you we have no fear,
In Christ we are saved,
In Jesus name we pray,
Father and the Son with the Holy Spirit.
Forever Amen!