Monday, October 20, 2008

Why God Sent His Son

Why God Sent His Son
Laijon Liu (20081020)

To God I swear I am for peace.
When my enemy burns to ash,
Then I can take a little rest.
And to the world I must claim
That my peace is in the Lord,
And in my guns and more bloodshed.

To my church priest I must share,
My love for freedom and rights:
Oh, the grace of breaking bread,
And the taste of scarlet grape wine,
That I receive weekly in the mass,
And daily I serve in the desert sand.

To my people I must speak.
We are the leader of world.
So we must not give up and run,
Let’s ship off our daughter and son
To fight the enemy of God,
As our Lord who sent His son.

To my doubting self I must say.
I’m never in peace, still pissed.
The world is not perfect world,
It’s okay to pick the second choice.
But if guns could provide us peace,
Then why God sent His son?

I wrote this poem for myself, that I used to be a warmonger. And if my family and friends were attacked then I would surely revenge. I know I am a person that is not perfect, but it does not mean I lack of ability of hoping to earn the gift of Son of Man, Who Has Power To Forgive (Power of Forgiveness), so this poem is for me and those who suffer the same symptom… as Bible says …time to anger, time for war; time to forgive, and time for peace… and peace is not built by weapon nor protected, only by forgiveness I guess, if I truly believe and hope one day God would finally provide to me, I hope. And I don’t aim my pen at anyone, especially not to leaders, and nor I find troublemakers are attractive and idol, especially those who are just being rude, while leaders and troublemakers are all fighting, only their field seem different to our eye, and sometimes pens are more vicious than swords. So this poem is for me and everyone else. Those who disagree, you may write me down in history… but still I rise:-) like dust, like a fat baby in diaper I rise:-) and don’t hold my poem on your right or left hand, coz I'm an expert on chicken wings, whether left or right, I swallow them all.

And More, above poem is created in a method of Role-Play Writing, as sometimes that I realize I can live and walk in other people's shoe, and grasp other's feeling and thinking (maybe I am a hero like the NBC's show:-), so I could imagine I be a batman or badman, a girl falls in love, a fugitive, or homeless, sometimes my mom, a drunk, so I feel I can write for them as whoever I would be occasionally, of course I dream one day to be a leader of people:-) usually after Friday's heavy booze, and by morning I find myself in my bathroom, giving a great speech in front of mirror in a hangover state, and some speech was just too convincing, and hateful as what Jesus said: "What's goes in the mouth is clean, but what's comes out the mouth are filthy." Which this poem is one of great example, yet still I could see and how I was hateful, and doubtful, but still want to carry a great responsibility to strive for good, merely a common man or a hero of tragedy. Then I also could understand why I get angry as those peoples show up in the news or on a high judging chair, and I pity myself for doing the wrong things because my anger, also I could feel a little compassion about me often struggling in my own weakness that I lack of ability to see as people do to others. So I no more see me or any other as a picture (good/bad), but a flesh laboring under spirit. I pity those who called out "Nail him on the cross!" or "Fight for liberty!" and in the end of my hungover speech, I find myself is the one, my greatest enemy, of God. If I must fight with sword for peace, then why God sent us His son?

Again, I think this poem is really good poem.
First, it reveals a brutal truth about our condition.
Poem often deals with beauty, but it does not mean the writer always records the fine face of life, unless he wants to write for market.
Nor I want to write a poem that gives someone a permanent name for others to call, so I must put on my character's shoe and dress and live in his/her house and labors his work to write something that shows complete human being as good and bad showing in one piece. So I can be fair and compassionate to the character I portrait. And the more I live in my character's life(let's say the one I dislike or disagree), the more I earn respect for my character and I also feel his/her conflict thoughts and difficult state he is in, and the more I look at myself as the same as that character. Often human being are so weak, that we pick a second choice that we've never thought we are going to... as Paul says what we don't want to do, we have done; but what we should do that we are never able. This is an example of self struggle. However we cannot forgive ourselves that we always pick the second choice every time as

To God I swear I am for peace,
When my enemy burns to ash,
Then I can have a little rest.
And to the world I must claim
That my peace is in the Lord,
And in my guns and more bloodshed.
It is tragic to hear such phrase, when we whole humanity find a clumsy or violent method to work for good, and often we are all fighting for a good cause, and we truly believe our ways and we swear to God.

To my church priest I must share,
My love for freedom and rights:
Oh, the grace of breaking bread,
And the taste of scarlet grape wine,
That I receive weekly in the mass,
And daily I serve in the desert sand.
As a Christian if God agrees that I am one as I believe about my faith, then I know my freedom and rights is through Christ Jesus who died on the cross by shedding his blood and breaking his body, that is the reason we have Eucharist to memorize and celebrate the freedom and rights that are already given, and all people are created and everyone is a part of God, but why we still doing such unnecessary sacrifice on the battlefield, God even has his good plan for nonbelievers, but some people may lose their life chance by our unnecessary sacrifice. As our priest weekly breaking the bread and pouring wine to symbolize, but after, we humanity daily break the body parts and shed blood of God on his field. Is it conflicting?

To my people I must speak,
We are the leader of world,
So we must not give up and run.
Let’s ship off our daughter and son
To fight the enemy of God,
As our Lord who sent His son.
I believe a leader of peace will bring us to peace, a general only knows about bringing his soldiers to war. As we pick a teacher for our children that we have to be careful about the morality of teacher, no one wants to have a greedy criminal to get near to their kids. And often someone who leads us to fight the enemy of God, and his/her convincing speech is that we should follow our Lord who sent His own son, but don't we know that God already sent His son? and His son already put our enemy(sin) on the cross, the price already been paid, and we never have to send our daughter and son? God did not even let Abraham sacrifice his son, are we and our seeds that holy compare to Isaac? God does not need us to fight his enemy, He can win all alone in style, and He already proved to us as the Gospel states, we never have to shed blood for peace no more.

To my doubting self I must say,
I’m never in peace, still pissed.
The world is not perfect world,
It’s okay to pick the second choice.
But if guns could provide us peace,
Then why God sent His son?
This part I tell I also have compassion about anyone who doing wrong thing in anger, and I understand his/her situation is never easy as the third person sees, but still, as I often did wrong thing and then ask myself what I just did.

Many people misread this poem, this is not pro-war poem, definitely anti-war.
I chose an opposite way to write it, which I guess better than straight forward shout that shows absolutely no compassion to the character, nor tells the complete view of a full person, otherwise it's always 'I am right and you are wrong' phrase that we yell at each other for 2000 years.